Thursday 7 October 2010

[Team DM] Rules, Regulations & Guidelines

Team DM will always be governed by what is known as the rule of two, this entails that there is one head of the Clan with his general at his side.

Team DM will now enforce a new faction policy; this will allow skilled and talented Clan members to be given command of a small Group of players under the banner of Team DM.

Those who are deemed to be skilled players, and have errand honour and victory for the glory of Team DM will be given a title with in the clan and rank to suit.

1. A Clan member who holds status within the Clan MUST lead by example, this entails there is to be NO surrender and they must fight until the last man.

2. Clan members MUST display Clan insignia at all times to not do so will incur serious disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the Clan and all future tournaments.

3. Clan members can NOT abandon or ignore other Clan members in a team match.

4. If game play rules apply, clan members can request to join other clan members in team matches, Clan requests can NOT be ignored. This is only if the game play and host will allow and factions do not apply.

5. All clan members have full free access to official clan tournaments, and Team DM products including mods, maps and tutorials.

6. Any Clan member that is found to act dishonourably will be immediately dismissed from Team DM. All Clan members are to act with honour and valour in battle, Team DM will not have its name we have worked so hard to gain with victory and glory tarnished by cowardly dogs.

7. Clan members will only be given a rank or a title by either the Clan founders or those who hold the title of Clan head (1st Lord of the Clan) or the second in command (War Lord of the Clan).

8. Clan members are to have free access to all gaming tournaments and products held and created by Team DM.

To gain entry to the Team DM Clan you must meet the following requirements:
Those who wish to join with out official invitation MUST:

• reach mythical age under 1 minute to be classed as a skilled member
◦ 1 minute 30 seconds (Novice)
• all three settlements captured in 4 minutes

And unless a clan member can take a titan on in a one on one death match then there is very little hope of them being given a place with in Team DM.

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